Hidden London
by Jan Collie
London is beautiful and ugly, manic and peaceful, mundane and magnificient - all things to all comers. And beyond each facade there is always something more to be revealed, adding to the thrill of the chase.
Hidden London aims to unlock the secrets of the city, leading you to places of interest that most people don't realise exist, revealing quirky, little known facts about even the more famous London landmarks.
Whether you're a newcomer or a real old hand, Hidden London will surprise you.
Simply pick a theme and follow the links to wherever they made lead.
Additions and updates are being made all the time, so please revisit often. All the information to be found here has been personally researched and is accurate to the best of my belief.
Jan Collie
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About the Author
Jan Collie is a journalist and author with more than fifteen years experience as a professional writer. A specialist in business and IT, her writing covers a wide range of subjects from serious news to frothy features.
Hidden London is a developing project on the Web and in book form.
Copyright © Jan Collie 2002 Published by permission of the author. All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission.